Curo granted planning permission for 38 new flats in Bristol
Curo has been granted planning permission to build 38 new flats, entirely for social rent, in Lawrence Weston, Bristol.
Curo is working to deliver 82 new affordable homes in Lawrence Weston, Bristol as part of our regeneration project "The Willows".
CGI of street view at The Willows, Bristol
The scheme includes a mix of one, two and three bedrooms flats, houses and maisonettes delivered across three adjoining sites:
All new homes at The Willows will be affordable housing. The flats we're creating through the conversion of Holly House will be socially rented while the remaining 44 homes will be available to rent at affordable rates and to buy through the low cost home ownership scheme, Shared Ownership.
Homes at The Willows will be let through Bristol City Council's choice-based letting scheme, HomeChoice.
Shared Ownership homes will sold via our sales website.
Our office block at Holly House was underused and the flats are no longer fit for purpose. Refurbishment of the block was initially considered but the extent of the required work means that redevelopment a better option. The land once occupied by the Long Cross pub and the former Rockwell care home were vacant at a time when local housing demand in the area is high.
It is our priority as a housing association to provide much-needed new homes for local families and the scheme offers a great opportunity to create high quality affordable housing for the area.
Alongside new homes, the scheme will also deliver increased security for local residents by redeveloping vacant and underused land. We aim to provide a mix of house-types and tenures, helping to create a thriving and sustainable community. The proposed site layout and design of the new homes will also enhance and contribute positively to the appearance the area. We plan to include some public space improvements, such as a new zebra crossing in our planning application.
Curo were granted planning permission for most of this site on 4 July 2019 by Bristol City Council. Prior to this, public consultation took place in March 2018 and again in April 2024- you can see the exhibition boards below.
Curo is managing the construction of this site. For any enquiries about construction works, contact our site agent on 07 890 985 057.
Works on site started in March 2021.
For more information about the works, have a look at our contractor's latest newsletter below.
Curo has been granted planning permission to build 38 new flats, entirely for social rent, in Lawrence Weston, Bristol.
Bristol City Council Cabinet Member for Housing Delivery and Homes, Councillor Tom Renhard, visited Curo’s Century Park and The Willows developments in Lawrence Weston to see the construction progress of 185 new homes for the city. More than half of the new homes currently being delivered by Curo across the two schemes will be much-needed affordable housing.
More than 60 children from Oasis Academy Bank Leaze in Lawrence Weston, Bristol, visited the nearby affordable housing development at The Willows to learn about construction in a fun-filled session organised by housing association and housebuilder Curo and contractor Jehu Group.
A school in Lawrence Weston, Bristol has opened a new sensory garden to help promote the pupils’ wellbeing and mental health. Oasis Academy Bank Leaze, also known locally as ‘the blue school on the hill’, was helped to set up the garden by housing association and housebuilder Curo and their contractor Jehu Group.
A Lawrence Weston resident is among the newest members of contractor Jehu’s site team at Curo’s The Willows development, in Bristol. The Willows is a 100% affordable housing development of 57 homes for social and affordable rent and shared ownership.
West of England housing association Curo has appointed Jehu Group as the main contractor to deliver 57 new affordable homes at a regeneration scheme in Lawrence Weston, Bristol. The development, whose name ‘The Willows’ was suggested by a local resident, will consist of a mix of one, two and three-bedroom houses and apartments delivered across three adjoining si…
‘Century Park’ and ‘The Willows’ are today revealed as the new names for Curo’s developments in Lawrence Weston, Bristol. The names were suggested by local residents Becky Cockle and Rhiannon Beail, following a campaign by Curo to find new identities for the two sites - previously referred to as Henacre Road and Corbet Close.
We’re proud and excited to be delivering 185 new homes in Lawrence Weston over the next few years. While we’re progressing our planning applications for 57 affordable homes at Corbet Close and 128 homes at Henacre Road, we’re asking local residents to help us find names for our two developments.
Bristol North West MP Darren Jones visited Curo’s site at Corbet Close in Lawrence Weston last week to find out more about the organisation’s plans to build 57 much-needed new affordable homes in the area. The local MP was accompanied on the site visit by Curo Managing Director, Gerraint Oakley, and the project team.